Background and Introduction

YIJ is an online research journal to empower people to write well researched papers detailing a solution for a problem they themselves have identified and feel strongly about.

Most journals aims to push the frontier of knowledge. YIJ goes further as it aims to push the writers own frontiers, both in knowledge and imagination. YIJ hopes to help the next generation to explore new ideas and inventions in a systemic and disciplined manner and express it in a written form.

The writers need not be affiliated to any organization; papers can be submitted for review any time of the year. YIJ also organizes regular paper writing competition which are themed around important issues and causes.

The aims and objectives of the Young Inventors Journal (YIJ) are:

  • To study and understand the world in a systematic way.
  • To inculcate and develop the discipline of academic style, well research paper writing.
  • To help young people identify real world problems and produce real world solutions that are relevant in their daily lives.
  • To help people think more critically.
  • To enhance participants’ academic writing and research skills.
  • To provide a platform for showcasing innovative ideas and research.

    The target group for the YIJ is as follows:

    • All Ages with a focus mainly for 18 to 40 years old.



    • Publicity
      • Publish competition poster in social media to launch the competition. Send the competition information to institute of higher learning as well.
    • Participants Application & Registration
      • Interested students are required to register and submit their application to ASTI. Individual or a team of no more than 5 people can participate.
    • Proposal Writing
      • Registered participants are required to write a paper proposal outlining the problem they have identified and their proposed solution.
      • To assist with this, participants can refer to the proposal writing module available on the webpage, which serves as a guide for developing their proposals.
    • Proposal Submission
      • Participants must write and submit their paper proposals within the specified timeline.
    • The Judging Process: Proposal Review and Shortlisting
      • Each proposal will undergo a blind review using the YIJ scoresheets. Our panel of judges includes volunteers from both academia and industry.
    • Online Training (Q&A)
      • Shortlisted participants will be notified via email and invited to attend an online Q&A session.
      • Modules & training videos for paper writing will be shared with the participants.
    • Paper Submission
      • The shortlisted participants are required to write and submit their full paper.
    • Paper Marking by Judges
      • Each submitted full paper will undergo a blind review by 2-3 judges using the YIJ scoresheets and will be submitted to the Chief Judge.
    • Online Viva
      • Shortlisted participants will be invited to attend an online viva to determine the winners of the competition.
    • Winners Announcement
      • The winners of the Online Competition will be announced via virtual winners announcement ceremony.

    This competition is designed as an education tool to help train the young to think in structured and disciplined way to find solution.

    We have successfully concluded four paper-writing competitions since its initiation in 2018.
