Dr. Yunus Yasin was invited by JCorp to deliver a Pocket Talk during JCorp’s Innovation and Corporate Responsibility Open Day, Misi Kesinambungan Bisnes JCorp 2015: Inovasi & Tanggungjawab Korporat on 1 December 2015 at 3.00 pm. JCorp is a statutory body and the Economic Development Corporation for the state of Johor Darul Takzim. The event was held at Persada Johor International Convention Centre, Johor Bahru. The topic that Dr. Yunus spoke on was ‘Key Dimensions of Social Entrepreneurship’.
Dr. Yunus Yasin was interviewed by The Malaysian Times was posted on their website on 13 September 2016 and also a video on YouTube. The title of the interview was ASTI, changing ‘ordinary’ to ‘extraordinary’

Change Starts With Me is a customized self-discovery and self-development program to suit the needs of Malaysian youths and consequently coach and guide them towards greater life achievements. This platform and initiative is supported by ASTI.
The Asian Premiere of “King of Ghost”, a musical extravaganza by Soumik Datta Arts was successfully held on 28th September 2016 at Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur Auditorium, Kuala Lumpur. Diversecity 2016 organised the event in which ASTI was the organising partner.
Mr.Anandan Shanmugam, representing ASTI for a Talk about Science in SJKT Seaport during their Science Week in their school.

The details of the talk are as below:

Date : 3rd October 2013
Time :10am
Venue : SJKT Seaport


ASTI helped bring 95 students for this amazing show by DiverseCity 2016 held on 9 September 2016 at Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur Auditorium, Kuala Lumpur.
Dr Subramaniam Gurusamy, the vice president of ASTI, has conducted Time Management Talks and Workshops for UPSR Students at SJKT Kangkar Pulai, SJKT Jalan Yahya Awal, SJKT Masai, and SJKT Mount Austin. The scope covers importance of time management, tools used, effective ways of managing time and effective learning and studying methodology.
Programme : Science Camp 2015
Date : 18 April 2015
Day / Time : Saturday / 7.30 am – 1.00 pm
Venue : Dewan SK Taman Cempaka
Objectives :

  • Give exposure to the students on Science Subject.
  • Create interest in Science Subject among students
  • Introduce Scientific Methodology to the Students.
  • Give opportunity to students to do hands-on experiments


During the Malaysian Day Celebration, ASTI’s Volunteers set up a booth demonstrating a few hands-on experiments taken from the Young Scientific Explorer (YSE). The details of the Malaysia Day Celebrations are as follows:
Date : 16th September 2013
Time : 5pm -9pm
Venue : Jalan Bangkung, Bukit Bandaraya


Hari Hasanah is one of the initiatives under Khazanah Nasional’s (Khazanah) “Negaraku, Negara Kita” campaign, which celebrates and remembers Malaysia’s journey and progress as a nation, Hari Hasanah is a day where Khazanah Nasional, working in collaboration with multiple stakeholders, infusing a spirit of advocacy and building capacity towards a better Malaysia. This year Hari Hasanah was held on 17th March 2018 at SK Putat, Jitra, Kedah.

Association of Science, Technology and Innovation (ASTI) collaborated on this day by setting up a Science experiment booth for children. ASTI showcased 5 hands-on experiments based on scientific concepts to both the young and the old as ASTI walked them through the experiments. The aim was not only to teach the scientific concepts to the children but also to give them an entertaining experience to show that learning science can be fun. One of the experiments that ASTI conducted was to study the chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar. The students were given an opportunity to try it out on their own with the balloon, and observe how it ‘grew’ during the experiment. The students could understand well what was happening with this hands-on method compared to when they just study the theory in their schools.

Another station with interesting puzzles were also held for the children to try and solve. Each puzzle tested their creativity, critical thinking and perseverance. This station was not only to attract the children but to further highlight that learning can be fun and done through alternative means as well i.e. 100% by doing! ASTI conducted the experiments from 9am to 2pm on the day and interacted with over 200 children during that time. ASTI also had grown-ups visiting the booth and found the experiments just as ‘fun’ as the kids. The feedback ASTI received from the children was overwhelmingly positive with many of them expressing interest in the scientific concepts. They were in wonder of the results and asked a plethora of questions. ASTI believes it had achieved its goal set out for the day which was to pique the interest of the visitors in science.


Langkawi GO 4.0 was organised by Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia (DPMM). It was held on 16th & 17th February 2018 at Dataran Parkir LADA in Langkawi. ASTI participated in this event on 17th February 2018 by doing activities for school students at the event. Meanwhile, Dr. Mohamed Yunus Yasin, President of ASTI received an award from former Prime Minister YAB Dato’ Seri Haji Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak at the event.


A Science Talk was given by Mej. Dr. Vikneswaran Munikanan at SJKT St Helier on the 24th of June 2015. The talk was based on Creative and Critical Thinking modules which were “Boosting Your 5 Senses” and “Concentration”. The students and teachers enjoyed the session.


A lecture and workshop for Tamil school teachers was conducted at Dewan Seri Melati IPG Kampus Ipoh, Ipoh on the 21st January 2017. Dr. Subramaniam Gurusamy, Vice President of ASTI, gave lecture on Discovery, Invention & Innovation 2017 to the teacher trainees who were present at the workshop.
NICE Expo 2017 (National Innovation And Creative Economy Expo 2017) is an event organised by MOSTI (Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation). It was held from 12th October 2017 till 16th October 2017 at Technology Park Malaysia, National Science Centre & The National Planetarium. Dr. Mohamed Yunus Bin Mohamed Yasin, the President of ASTI was the ambassador for the event.
Hari Hasanah is one of the initiatives under Khazanah Nasional’s (Khazanah) “Negaraku, Negara Kita” campaign, which celebrates and commemorates Malaysia’s journey and progress as a nation. This year Hari Hasanah was held on 4th September 2017 at PPR Sri Semarak from 2.00 pm till 7.00 pm. ASTI collaborated and contributed by setting up a Science experiment booth for children.

ASTI showcased 5 experiments which were based on scientific concepts to the children. Besides that ASTI had another station with interesting puzzle sets for the children which tested their creativity, critical thinking and perseverance. We wanted to show the children that science is fun and learning can be fun and done through unconventional means as well.

In the spirit of having Hari Hasanah Bersama Rakyat, Khazanah planned to organize a series of this type of activities across Malaysia i.e. Sarawak, Sabah, Pahang, Penang and in conjunction with the Iskandar Festivals in Johor on the 25th – 26th November 2017. ASTI collaborated and contributed on these 2 days in Johor by setting up a science experiment booth for children.

Dr. Yunus Yasin, President of ASTI was interviewed live on Bfm. The interview was held on 19th January 2016. The title was …
“Changing Attitudes towards Science & Mathematics in Tamil Schools”


ASTI had a visit to Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Tengku Ampuan Afzan in Kuala Lipis (Pahang) that specializes in pedagogy of indigenous community.


ASTI representative Dr. Mohamed Yunus Yasin presented at an interactive masterclass which explained how entrepreneurship and innovation really work by considering the social good
they create rather than just the economic value of businesses. The masterclass organised by Nottingham University Business School (NUBS) Malaysia, MBA Programmes and Executive Education Programme was held on 22 June 2023 at KLTC, Chulan Tower, Kuala Lumpur.
