As a collaboration partner, we are pleased to inform you that the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics (SEAMEO RECSAM) in collaboration with education and non-education institutions will conduct the 9th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMEd) 2021 on 8- 10 November 2021 as a VIRTUAL conference with the theme ‘Anchoring Science and Mathematics as Framework: Transdisciplinary Studies towards Sustainable Future In The New Normal’.
The organising of such virtual conference brings many benefits such as providing more opportunities for science and mathematics educators in the region to disseminate their research findings. The virtual conference also contributes significantly towards improving the standard of science and mathematics education especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Ministry officials/educators/teachers/
For more updated information on the programme, please visit the conference website:
Registration deadline has been extended to 31 May 2021
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