Ramanujan Award for Outstanding Teacher

ASTI as a premier Malaysian association for the promotion of education and understanding in scientific knowledge and also the organizer of Science Fair for Young Children (SFYC) wants to honour teachers who have contributed to the student’s achievements in SFYC and international science competitions. Therefore, teachers would like to invite teachers to apply to the Award. An Independent panel of jury will select the award winners. The award will be presented at National Science Fair for Young Children every year.

Winners of Ramanujan Award

ASTI honored teachers who have contributed to the student’s achievements in SFYC as well as other National and international science competitions. The award was presented at the National Science Fair for Young Children on 16th of July 2016.

    • Ms.Logeswari Murugan
    • Ms.Gomathy Sankaran
    • Ms.Syiamala Durairaj

    Application Form
